

The flow of molecules at the nanoscale plays an important role in many biological, chemical and physical proccesses and have important applications in the near future. They are used by the latest sequencing techniques (nanopore DNA sequencing). Nanofluidics is a very active research topic and attracts different fields ranging from basic science to engineering. The aim of this workshop is to bring together experimentalists, theoreticians and computer scientists in the field in order to exchange about recent advances and applications. This CECAM supported scientific event follows the conferences previously organised at SISSA in 2021 and at the ENS in Lyon in 2018.

This conference will take place from July 10th to 13th in ENS de Lyon, Lyon (France)

Registration and abstract submission is now closed. In addition to the invited speakers 16 contributed talks were selected from the submitted abstracts. 

CECAM, Imec, Elements SRL, CNRS and ENS de Lyon are supporting this conference. Registration to the conference is free of charge for academic researchers and students. The conference is open to industrial and startup researchers with a contribution (200 €).  

Organising Committee

  • Aniket Bhattacharya (University of Central Florida, USA)
  • Matteo Ceccarelli (University of Cagliari, Italy)
  • Matteo Dal Peraro (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland)
  • Cristian Micheletti (SISSA, Italy)
  • Fabien Montel (Laboratoire de Physique CNRS/ ENS de Lyon, France)
  • Aleksandra Radenovic (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland)

Confirmed Invited Speakers

  • A. Aksimentiev (Illinois Univ, USA)
  • M. Winterhalter (Constructor Univ, Germany)
  • U. Keyser (Cambridge Univ, UK)
  • C Dekker (Delft Univ, Netherlands)
  • M. Wanunu (Northeastern Univ, USA)
  • L. Bocquet (LPS, France),
  • J. Behrends (Freiburg Univ, Germany)
  • A. Suma (Cagliari Univ.)
  • M. Muthukumar (Amherst Univ., USA)
  • G. Maglia (Groningen Univ., The Netherlands)
  • C. Chan (EPFL, Switzerland)
  • I. Bodrenko (ENS, France)
  • G. Slater (Ottawa Univ., Canada)
  • W. Reisner (Mc Gil Univ., Canada)
  • A. Meller (Technion, Israel)
  • C. Holm (Stuttgart, Germany)
  • M. Drndic (U. Penn, USA)
  • G. Stan (U. Cincinnati, USA) 
  • J. Mathé (U. Evry, France)
  • M. Chen (U. Mass Amherst, USA)
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